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Medicaid’s Role for Medicare Beneficiaries

According to a new W.K. Kellogg Foundation issue brief released on February 16th, 2017, Medicaid fills important gaps in coverage left by Medicare, particularly for seniors, including long-term care in both nursing homes and community settings. Medicaid also helps low-income seniors afford some or all of their Medicare premiums. This issue brief helps to inform […]

Medicaid Expansion Still Embraced by Republican Governors

Several Republican-led states are including expanded Medicaid coverage in their state budgets, according to a report by NPR. These include both Indiana, where Vice President Pence expanded Medicare when he was governor, and Ohio, where Governor John Kasich has included sustained Medicare expansion within his state budget proposal, which was announced on January 30, 2017. […]

Addressing the Root Causes of Homelessness

In a time of uncertainty for America’s social safety net, programs like Solutions for Change located in San Diego, CA offer a ray of hope for homeless families. A recent article in the “Opportunity Lives” section of highlights the work of this San Diego nonprofit that is making family homelessness a thing of the […]

Housing Advocates Oppose Criminalizing Homelessness

A January 9th, 2017, New York Times article explored the attempts of several cities to issue citations for homeless people living on public lands, and the backlash that can cause among advocates for the homeless. At issue is whether policies such as citations are criminalizing homelessness. The article features a video of police taking away […]

Mayors Make Aging A Priority

Mayors across the country have named aging as a top priority for their cities as the number of persons aged 65 and older in the US is anticipated to double by 2050, from 46 million to 92 million, according a recent article on the Yahoo Finance website. These statistics are from the United States Conference […]

Unifying the Early Childhood Profession

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) recently launched a two-year initiative called Power to the Profession (P2P), which seeks to unify the early childhood profession and develop a consistent structure for competencies, qualifications, standards, and compensation for all those who work in the early learning field. This work intends to positively […]

How to Get Your Congressperson’s Attention

Have you ever wondered what it takes to get your issue noticed by your Congressional representatives? Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS) provides advocacy planning and implementation to bring awareness to your issues at the local, state, and federal policy levels. We have several tools on our website to help you get started. Sometimes, it’s […]

Quality Makes the Difference in Long-term Pre-K Results

A new study from Duke University shows that high-quality early childhood programs deliver benefits that increase or hold steady at least through fifth grade. The study followed more than one million children in North Carolina through two state-wide early childhood programs: Smart Start, which provides state dollars to support services for children ages birth to […]

Ending Youth Homelessness in the 100 Day Challenge

ACS has been honored to help the city of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County spread the word about their participation in the 100-Day Challenge to end youth homelessness. In September 2016, A Place 4 Me launched a 100-Day Challenge to end youth homelessness and set an ambitious goal: to house 100 homeless youth (aged 18-25) in 100 days and strengthen systems […]

Improving Employment Prospects for Special-Needs Students

What does it take to prepare special-needs students to find success in the workforce? According to Erik Carter, special-education professor and researcher at Vanderbilt University, it’s early employment opportunities, involved families and supportive community employers. “I’m most excited about programs that provide real-life, hands-on work experiences for students at some point throughout their high school […]