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College or Bust? Don’t Forget the “Soft Skills”

A recent story on NPR’s All Things Considered caught our attention for two reasons. First, it opened with a report from a coffee bar in Willamette High School in Eugene, Oregon. (Seriously, a coffee bar inside a high school? How cool is that?) Second – and much more importantly – it made the point that […]

Do We Really Value Boys and Young Men of Color? Enough to Embrace Systems Change?

“I have not time to mince words nor to sugarcoat the truth. Truth is truth and the truth is that many Americans do not see value in investing in boys of color.” These words from Nikkia Rowe, principal of Renaissance Academy High School in Baltimore, were published by The Washington Post on June 25th, and […]

Urban Institute Study Urges Schools and Community Leaders to Create a Better Fit for Boys and Young Men of Color

Harvard economist Ron Ferguson says, if you want to understand why black male students lag behind white ones in our nation’s schools, you should ask them. A recent NPR story, “What Young Men of Color Can Teach Us About The Achievement Gap,” contains an interview with Ferguson in which he explains the findings of his […]

Report Examines Legislation Passed in All 50 States

The third edition of “The 50 State Project” by Congressional Quarterly/Roll Call was issued in April. This report reviews the tens of thousands of bills passed by state lawmakers during each session and examines trends across the country and what drives a bill to receive the most attention. The report found trends in these 10 […]

The Center for Community Solutions releases Human Services 101: A Straightforward Guide to the Social Services in Ohio

The Center for Community Solutions, a non-profit and non-partisan think tank based in Cleveland Ohio, released Human Services 101: A Straightforward Guide to the Social Services in Ohio in June 2016. This guide provides comprehensive and easy to understand information on social service systems (such as employment and literacy, health care, food assistance, children’s services, […]

ACS Secures Critical Editorial for client PRE4CLE Seeking to Overturn Decision that will Cut Millions of Dollars for Child Care

In a multi-pronged effort designed and deployed by Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS), PRE4CLE and partners throughout the state have urged Ohio Governor John Kasich, to reverse a decision that prevents the strategic use of child care funding streams. This effort in building awareness around this issue has resulted in a Cleveland Plain Dealer […]

Newsletters and Social Media Aren’t the Same

Does this sound familiar? You create an eNewsletter, send it to your mailing list, hoping for a 25% open rate. Then, you post it on social media as a way to reach other audiences. Could you be doing more to marry these two channels to further your communication strategies? Chances are you could be. Just […]

What You Say is Important, So Make Your Message Clear

In the non-profit, philanthropic, and government sectors, it is easy become engrossed in industry jargon. Organizations and individuals in these fields understand one another when using jargon and there is comfort in this ‘short hand’ manner of communication. What Advocacy & Communication Solutions (ACS) has seen over the years, however, is that those habits of […]

Babies Lives More Complex Than People Think

A new documentary streaming on Netflix called The Beginning of Life focuses on the complex lives of babies and seeks to dispel the myth that babies are “empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge of the world around them.” In fact, three decades of research by leading scientists suggests this is “patently untrue,” according […]

City of Little Rock passes resolution to implement Master Plan for Children, Youth, and Families

After Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC, (ACS) successfully presented Little Rock’s Master Plan for Children, Youth, and Families to the city’s Board of Directors on June 7th, the 9 city board members unanimously approved the plan. Following this initial approval by the Board of Directors, formal approval in the form of a resolution was passed […]