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ACS is Expanding; Welcomes Nikki Reiss

Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC is pleased to announce Nikki Reiss as our new Senior Strategist. Ms. Reiss will direct and support government relations and advocacy, policy analysis, strategic communication planning, and strategy development for ACS clients in Ohio and across the country. Ms. Reiss brings a sharp legal mind and more than 15 years […]

Rapid Re-Housing Works to Reduce Homelessness: New Evidence from The Urban Institute

Rapid re-housing is a short-term, crisis intervention model that has expanded in recent years to help households quickly, minimize the time spent homeless, prevent a return to homelessness, increase self-sufficiency, and ultimately end homelessness. In October 2018, The Urban Institute released a brief that reviews the evidence to date regarding the effectiveness of rapid re-housing […]

Medicaid Expansion Boosts Health and Employment

Several states, including Ohio and Michigan, have recently released study results that show Medicaid Expansion continues to improve health and support employment of their states’ residents. This research showed significant benefits, such as: Michigan has seen financial benefits from its expansion, which now covers more than 650,000 residents. In a paper released by Economist Sarah […]

Insurance Companies Take New Approach to Addressing Social Determinants of Health

America’s health insurers – in partnership with state- and federal-programs – have begun to address the non-medical, social, and physical environments which affect a person’s overall health – also called the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH or SDH). Research continues to show that these factors, such as housing, access to healthy food, education, and employment […]

National Association of State Boards of Education Collaborates to Advance the Early Childhood Education Workforce

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) issued a policy update about the Early Childhood Education Workforce and its ongoing collaboration with the National League of Cities (NLC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The policy brief details successful statewide collaborations with state school boards in Michigan and […]

Cleveland Unites to Fight the Role of Racial Bias Within Infant Mortality Through Strategic Policy Plan

Infant Mortality – the death of a child before his or her first birthday – has been a serious crisis since well before the advent of modern medicine. But it’s come into a new light in the last few years, particularly regarding African American children, because these children die at an alarmingly higher rate than […]

A new ESSA Data Requirement and Its Potential Impact on the Future of School Spending

In 2019, a new requirement in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)* will require schools to report per-pupil spending data. Currently, school districts allocate their resources however they see fit – evenly across every school, more in schools with higher need, or less in schools with higher need. Requiring schools to share this data will […]

Voters in Three States Choose to Expand Medicaid

Voters in three states, Utah, Idaho and Nebraska, passed Medicaid expansion in yesterday’s midterm elections. Thirty-one states, plus the District of Columbia, have already expanded Medicaid in the last few years. This expansion broadens coverage to Americans with incomes up to 138% of the poverty level, roughly $17,000 for an individual and $35,000 for a […]

Millions in Danger of Losing SNAP Benefits

The Brookings Institute recently did a deep-dive analysis of the 2018 Farm Bill and how it will affect the work requirements of Americans who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – formerly food stamps – benefits. The House version of the bill would expand work requirements and could cause close to 400,000 households to lose […]

Early Education Degree Achievement Plan eliminates financial barriers to higher education for early childhood educators

Bright Horizons Family Solutions® – a leading provider of high-quality early education and preschools, employer-sponsored child care, back-up care, educational advisory services and other work/life solutions – recently announced that it would provide free college tuition for all full-time employees in the company’s early education centers and preschools. Bright Horizon’s Early Education Degree Achievement Plan […]